
Comments on the presentation about breads

 Ritsu Kawahara I thought all the breads you were introducing looked delicious. It was interesting because there were many pictures on the slide. Thanks to your presentation, I was able to learn about rare bread for the first time. Maika Kawamura Thanks to your presentation, I was able to learn more about bread. It was interesting because there were many pictures on the slide. Yuiho Kawamoto I thought all the breads you were introducing looked delicious. It was interesting because there were many pictures on the slide. Asuka Higo I thought all the breads you were introducing looked delicious. I wanted to eat it.       Thanks to your presentation, my knowledge of bread has increased. Rina Aoki When I heard your presentation, I remembered the bread that was served at school lunch. I thought all the breads you were introducing looked delicious. I wanted to eat it. Suzue Ishikawa I thought all the breads you were introducing looked delicious. It was interesting because there were many pict

Various breads in the world

  From now on, I will introduce you to various breads in the world. The first is French bread. The French style is to stick to the freshly baked flavor. This is a バケット. It is a hard type bread called French bread in Japan. This is パン・ド・カンパーニュ. It means "country bread". This is a クロワッサン. A crescent -shaped bread made by folding butter and margarine like a pie crust and baking it. The second is Italian bread. In Italy, salty white bread is added to the meal. On the other hand, they enjoy putting dried fruits in sweet bread. This is Focaccia. "Focaccia" means "baked in fire" in Italian. This is チャバタ.チャバタ is a flat, square-shaped bread. Slippers are the origin of the name. This is グリッシーニ. In Italy, there is an elongated stick-shaped bread called グリッシーニ. You can enjoy a light salty taste and a クラッカー-like texture. The third one is German bread. This is a プレッツェル. It is a symbol of a bakery in medieval Europe. It is derived from the ラテン word

Comments on the presentation about Winter Sports

Noa Takuma She introduced me to curling. As in her presentation, I learned about curling thanks to the "Buzzword Award". I had a lot to know about curling for the first time and I enjoyed listening to her presentation. Makana Nishiyama She introduced the winter exercise. I was surprised to know the difference in the effects of sports between winter and summer in her presentation for the first time. I'm not good at exercising, but I wanted to try exercising this winter. Nao Arita She introduced the Winter Olympics. I was surprised that there were 24 Olympic Games. I learned about "biathlon" for the first time. I enjoyed being able to learn about various Olympic Games and the details. Natsuki Noguchi She introduced about Hanetsuki. I was surprised that the history of Hanetsuki is very long. I'm glad I learned about one of the traditional Japanese games in details.. Rina Kawabata She introduced the winter exercise. For the first time, I learned that winter runn

Figure Skating

こんにちは。私は今からフィギュアスケートについて紹介します。皆さんはフィギュアスケートを知っていますか?figure skatingは、スケートリンクの上でステップ、スピン、ジャンプなどの技を組み合わせ、音楽に乗せて滑走する競技である。このい「フィギュアスケート」という名称は、スケートでリンクの上にフィギュアを正確に描く競技から発展したことに由来する。シングルスケーティング、ペアスケーティング、アイスダンスは冬季オリンピック正式競技です。また、団体で演技するシンクロナイズドスケーティングも世界選手権が行われている。 日本のフィギュアスケート発祥地は仙台市の五色沼とされるが、その始まりは1897年頃とする説と1905年頃とする説とがある。1922年2月11日、日本初のフィギュアスケート公式試合が下諏訪リンクで行われた。 フィギュアスケートには専用のスケート靴をはく。男性は黒、女性は白やベージュの靴をはくことが多い。スケート靴は革もしくはプラスチック製の靴の部分と、ブレードと呼ばれるややカーブした金属部分からなり、重さは約2kg ある。ブレードが氷に直接接する部分をエッジと呼ぶ。エッジの厚さは3-4mm 程度で、中央には溝が入っている。 フィギュアスケート用のブレードは先がギザギザになっているのが特徴で、このギザギザの部分を「トウピック」または「トウ」といい、ジャンプやスピンのときなどに使われる。 国際スケート連盟によるフィギュアスケート用スケートリンクの国際規格は、最大60m×30m、最小56m×26mであり、同連盟の国際大会では屋内リンクを使用する。 フィギュアスケートには4つの種目があります。一つ目は「男子シングル」です。有名な選手に羽生結弦選手、宇野昌磨選手がいます。2つ目は「女子シングル」です。有名な選手に浅田真央選手、紀平梨花選手がいます。3つ目は「ペア」です。有名なペアに三浦璃来・木原龍一ペアがいます。4つ目は「アイスダンス」です。有名なペアに小松原美里・小松原尊ペアがいます。 Hello. I will introduce figure skating from now on. Do you know figure skating? Figure skating is a competition in which you combin

Comments on the presentation about the Cake

Fuka Inomoto She introduced the roll cake. Her presentation was very easy to understand thanks to the slides. I'm glad I was able to know the different types of roll cakes. Nanami Takaki I'm glad I got to know the various cakes. Your announcement was very easy to hear. Haruka Tajima Her presentation was very easy to understand thanks to the slides. I'm glad I got to know the various cakes.  Rina Aoki I'm glad I got to know different types of cheesecake. After hearing her presentation, I wanted to eat cheesecake. Maharo Sugimoto Her presentation included what I learned about tarts for the first time. Her presentation was very easy to understand thanks to the slides.  Yu Tomiyama Her presentation included what I knew for the first time. I wanted to eat Christmas pudding for Christmas. Rina Tatae I'm glad I got to know the various cakes.  Her presentation was very easy to understand thanks to the slides. Narumi Toya Her presentation included what I knew for the first t

Bush de Noel

  Bush de Noel is a cake that mimics a tree made for Christmas. In French, Noel means "Christmas" and Bush means "Christmas Tree" in "Tree. "As its name suggests, it is an image of logs, stumps, and wood firewood. Basically, it can be eaten as a Christmas cake. Like other cakes, they are sold at bakeries, but they can be made relatively easily at home by using some ready-made ingredients. Let me introduce how to make it. Cover the surface of the long, uncut roll cake with cocoa cream, scratch it with a fork, and form a wavy streak to make it look like bark. It is also made by decorating chocolate imitating branches, whipped cream imitating snow, and powdered sugar. There are several theories as to why it is shaped like a log, but just as Christmas originated on the pre-Christian Winter Solstice Festival, the logs originally used in the old Nordic religious custom "Yule" were made in the shape of "Yule's log." Another is said to ha

Comments on the presentation about the hot pot dishs

Tsuyoshi Horikawa The Japanese hot pot dish he was introducing looked very delicious. Noa Takuma She introduced "Kiritanpo". The Japanese hot pot dish she was introducing looked very delicious. Maharo Sugimoto She introduced "Akakaranabe". I knew it for the first time. The Japanese hot pot dish she was introducing looked very delicious. Arisa Hayashi The Japanese hot pot dish she was introducing looked very delicious. Rina Kawabata The Japanese hot pot dish she was introducing looked very delicious. Mutsumi Matsuda The Japanese hot pot dish she was introducing looked very delicious. Makana Nishiyama The Korea hot pot dish she was introducing looked very delicious. Honoka Kohama She introduced "millefeuille hot pot dish". The Japanese hot pot dish she was introducing looked very delicious. Fuka Inomoto The Japanese hot pot dish she was introducing looked very delicious.